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Showing posts with label Pitirim Sorokin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pitirim Sorokin. Show all posts


These stories of heroic Redemptive love. Earth-shattering. How 15 years ago did I not grasp that? The ways and Power of Love. Sorokin.

Urgent note from James. He, James, find zeze stories deeply moving but without the following thought really really somewhat interesting, cliche, unimportant. But if one can entertain the theory of as James is nearly certain now, and preparing himself in every situation to execute, if one can entertain the notion that the Supreme Human Experience is always loving no matter what, then these take on a far more important perspective. And although sadly not in these stories are the actors ask nor in any similar situation has the research been done, the question, would you have done this even if you knew it would materially fail and cost your life? I think it is quite clear that in nearly all cases the answer would be yes. Enter James it is also clear but if they had been asked, well, what if acting this way in no way was a function of your religious Faith would you still do it? It seems to me those in these stories the answer again would be, yes. I like feeling that way. Regardless of the cost.

LOVE STOPS AGGRESSION AND ENMITY “ A friend of mine, an elderly Quaker lady, entered her Paris hotel room to find a burglar rifling her bureau drawers where she had considerable jewelry and money. He had a gun which he brandished. She talked to him quietly, told him to go right ahead and help himself to anything she had, as obviously he needed it more than she did if he had to be stealing it. She even told him some places to look where there were valuables he had overlooked. Suddenly the man let out a low cry . . . and ran from the room taking nothing. The next day she received a letter from him in which he said, ‘ I’m not afraid of....

The ways and Power of Love chapter 4 I believe, Sorokin, Harvard, free download.

In the atmosphere of our Sensate 1 culture we are prone to believe in the power of the struggle for existence, selfish interests, egoistic competition, hate, the fighting instinct, sex drives, the instinct of death and destruction, all-powerful economic factors, rude coercion and other negativistic forces. Yet we are highly skeptical in regard to the power of creative love, disinterested service, unprofitable sacrifice, mutual aid, the call of pure duty and other positive forces. The prevalent theories of evolution and progress, of the dynamic forces of history, of the...

In the atmosphere of our Sensate 1 culture we are prone to believe in the power of the struggle for existence, selfish interests, egoistic competition, hate, the fighting instinct, sex drives, the instinct of death and destruction, all-powerful economic factors, rude coercion and other negativistic forces. Yet we are highly skeptical in regard to the power of creative love, disinterested service, unprofitable sacrifice, mutual aid, the call of pure duty and other positive forces. The prevalent theories of evolution and progress, of the dynamic forces of history, of the...   the ways and Power of Love, free download, Sorokin, Harvard

".. These outlined aspects of love, its properties, its empirical dimensions, the relationships between its dimensional variables, and, finally, the problems of the efficient production, accumulation, and distribution of love energy —all these open a vast, little... Written decades ago, the ways and Power of Love, Harvard, Sorokin.

Free download what are you waiting for?   ... These outlined aspects of love, its properties, its empirical dimensions, the relationships between its dimensional variables, and, finally, the problems of the efficient production, accumulation, and distribution of love energy —all these open a vast, little.... known, and desperately important field of exploration. At the present time mankind perhaps needs to explore this field more than any other. A greatly increased knowledge of love is essential if there is to be a greater production, accumulation, and circulation of love energy in the human world. Both a better knowledge and a greater production of love are desperately needed for the very survival of mankind and for the continuation of its creative mission. Subsequent chapters of this work give a


Hate begets hate, violence engenders violence, hypocrisy is answered by hypocrisy, war generates war, and love creates love. Sorokin. The ways and Power of Love.

Unselfish love has enormous creative and therapeutic potentialities, far greater than
most people think. Love is a life-giving force, necessary for physical, mental, and moral health.

Love is the most powerful antidote against criminal, morbid, and suicidal
tendencies; against hate, fear, and psychoneuroses. It is an indispensable condition for deep and lasting happiness. It is goodness and freedom at their loftiest. It is the finest and most powerful educational force for the ennoblement of
humanity. Finally, only the power of unbounded love practiced in regard to all human beings can
defeat the forces of interhuman strife, and can prevent the pending extermination of man by man on this planet. Without love, no armament, no war, no diplomatic machinations, no coercive police force, no school education, no economic or political measures, not even hydrogen bombs can prevent the pending catastrophe. Only love can accomplish this miracle, providing, however, we know well the nature of love and the efficient ways of its production, accumulation, and use.


February 4. Logistics. Journal log. Ransoming souls from joylessness. Ongoing Journal

February 4th.
Days spent on mundane but crucial physical structural issues, receiving and resolving battery issues, escaping high winds up at the base of Mount Whitney, making final Arrangements of design, source, and availability of the potentially lethal cracked rear brace.

February 3rd.
Which is more important, the long planting and cultivation season or the first fruits? Equally important. But it sure is nice to begin to see the fruit. That's what today felt like after a long long long cold hard planting season.


P. Sorokin, from, Reconstructing Humanity, "If democracy is contaminated by poisonous elements its therapeutic power largely evaporates. Most of the democracies, in fact, have.....

If democracy is contaminated by poisonous elements its therapeutic power largely evaporates. Most of the democracies, in fact, have..... been of this low-grade, contaminated variety. Beginning with the Athenian democracy and ending with the Dutch, the English, the French, the Belgian, and even the United States democracy before the abolition of slavery, each of these systems was actually a small oligarchy built upon a vast stratum of slaves, serfs, and exploited, disfranchised, and autocratically ruled colonial Helots. Some twenty thousand Athenians constituted an oligarchic minority superimposed on several hundreds of thousands of unfree or semi-free persons deprived of practically all political and most civil rights. Some thirty to forty millions of English citizens formed a small oligarchy superimposed upon approximately three hundred million disfranchised colonials. The same is true of some six millions of Dutch citizens compared with approximately sixty million colonial semi-serfs; and so on. Similarly, virtually all the democracies of history have been vitiated by many other elements incompatible with the essence of genuine democracy.


Important note. Start loving is tattooed on my forehead and wage love on my cheeks. 2007. This was correct, in the correct direction, and I'm glad of it every breath, but it needs Improvement, the direction, the idea. And the Improvement is along the lines.....

Important note. Start loving is tattooed on my forehead and wage love on my cheeks. 2007. This was correct, in the correct direction, and I'm glad of it every breath, but it needs Improvement, the direction, the idea. And the Improvement is along the lines...... of soul and more particularly I think Pitirim Sorokin's concept of a Supra consciousness. The 80% of the nervous system that Einstein said we don't use but we can learn to tune into, conscience, innate morality, empathy, compassion, wisdom, vision.... if by heart or loving that is what is understood than the words on my face are adequate. All joy for the individual and hope for the world depends upon each individual placing their heart, Supra Consciousness, in charge each breath, with the mind and flesh instruments thereof. By the way, each breath that any individual does this they experience what it would be like to be United with the Divine, the ultimate Human Experience, creators rain, unconditional loving. Each breath therefore is heaven, the ultimate Human Experience. This is what Jesus knew.


***** (more) 'My greatest contribution? Greatest discovery? Finding, stating and Living that Loving IS, =, EQUALS IN TOTALITY - the Heaven, Salvation that Jesus saw, the Truth Gandhi pursued, The 'God' the 'Saints' tortured themselves for...Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else. Simply Loving...'

***** (more) 'My greatest contribution? Greatest discovery?


Recognizing, stating and Living that:

Loving IS, =, EQUALS IN TOTALITY -  the Heaven, Salvation that Jesus saw, the Truth Gandhi pursued, The 'God' the 'Saints' tortured themselves to unite with...Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else.  Simply Loving, that is, Living, each breath, with your Spirit of Loving in charge, to the Exclusion of all our other psychological capacities (as embodied in you Fleshly Spirit) EVER in charge.  NEVER, in the same way you NEVER thrust your hand into a hot flame,  and NEVER drink Drano, or never slush $1000 bills down the toilet, or eat sand when there is a nice plate of pasta you can eat,  instead.  Really. Exactly in this way;

That Loving IS its own reward, the Ultimate Reward.  Period.

That Loving in charge is the Only Sanity; all else being Insanity - deadly to one's self, and ultimately fatal to all humanity, EXACTLY as, and in the same way as is the cancer destroying my body - unmalicious selfishness - history's greatest killer, by far.  By far...;

That Loving is the ENTIRE Gospel.  FULL STOP.

That Loving is the universal, certain, complete, absolute cure for all psychological ills.

That all of the above is True because of the actual 'shape,' the actual DNA-given, epigenetic characteristics and tendency of our nervous system, and hence of the basic psychological 'world' we are pre-disposed to inhabit; though yes, this world can totally be crippled, mutated, mutilated into many other lesser things.  Look around you.

Many, many, many have come close in all of the above - (see Library [here and here, and tabs above for all the Giant's Shoulders I Stand on, and without which I've not have contributed my part]; but I know of no one that has seen, and spoken, and lived, this simple truth (ZERO CREDIT TO ME!!!] - that our psychological capacity for Loving as the Ultimate Reward, Joy, Heaven, the Kingdom, Nirvana (by whatever names, or no names at all), that it is our Ultimate and Only Hope, and that unleashing a mass epidemic of Universal Loving (Loving IS Universal, or it is NOT Loving) is the Only Hope now to avert Ecocide, the extinguishing of all decent life on earth, forever.'

ps:  Yes, no one has noticed, or been influenced by this, except me.  So it is of no consequence today, nor is likely to be in the future...
...pps:  Essentially, the same can be said of Jesus, and Gandhi said the same of himself - that he'd totally failed to impart his views, that almost reached what I've stated above, to well, pretty much anyway.  Rather than taking his teachings and examples to Heart, what had appeared to him, for a while, to be serious students, in fact, had taken his teachings as mere, temporary expedients, that in no way altered their essential way of being.  And this we've done to Buddha, MLK Jr, Jesus..., too.
...ppps:  I've had, and have, the most extreme Wealth of Joy, Peace of Heart, Passion, Loving of anyone you've ever known, objectively - due to my being 'religious' about Loving.  If you see, if you search your Heart for nothing else, about me, seek for the Truth of this.  That can make all else possible.


***** "Ways and Power of Love," P. Sorokin

"Ways and Power of Love," P. Sorokin

There is much wrong with this book.  There is much wrong with Einstein's work, as he'd be the first to say, but both are so far ahead of all other comparable works that, well, they are like gold, like perfect truth which they are not.  But they are like that.

For the direction that it points, this may be the most important book in existence for the future of humanity.

Read it, and don't stop where it ends.  Use it as a point of departure.


nd 'Throughout History, Few if Any Heroes of Loving have emerged before Completely Separating Themselves from the 'normal,' Godless, Affloholic, Toxic Waste cultural environment, including 'friends,' 'family....' Historical Fact.' Loving informed by "The Ways and Power of Love," Sorokin

nd 'Throughout History, Few if Any Heroes of Loving have emerged before Completely Separating Themselves from the 'normal,' Godless, Affloholic, Toxic Waste cultural environment, including 'friends,' 'family....'  Historical Fact.'  Loving informed by "The Ways and Power of Love," Sorokin



***** '1 Einstein-caliber Psychology. 4 Einstein-caliber Psychology books.

***** '1 Einstein-caliber Psychology.  4 Einstein-caliber Psychology books; tho all the books were written without this in mind, except for Adler's.

The only Einstein Caliber Psychology
(by whatever name, or no name at all):

Loving, being 100%, every breath, that of the Forces that Create, that are of (aligned with) Creation, that are of the Creator... is the only Sanity.  All else is INSANITY, and Leads to physical Death, and Psychological Death.

The 4+1 great books on this the 1 True, Great, Useful Psychology:

######1:  "The Gospel in Brief," Leo Tolstoy's translation of the original Greek Gospels, Jesus' Teachings, the HAPGOOD translation, HERE.  OR, Do 'control f,' and the title, HERE.  This book created Tolstoy, the Creator of Gandhi.

#2.  "Man's Search for Meaning,"  Viktor Frankl.  Do 'control f[ind],' and the title, HERE.

#3.  "Individual Psychology," Alfred Adler (the Good 'twin' of the consummately Evil Freud).  Do 'control f,' and the title, HERE.

#4.  "The Ways and Power of Love," Pitirim Sorokin (especially the passages on Supra-Intelligence).  Also see his "Social and Cultural Dynamics."

NOTE:  We must, with every $$$ we spend, prioritize the CREATION of meaningful work, NOT it's DESTRUCTION.  BUY FROM LOCAL BOOK SELLERS.


"Authoritarianism IS Insane; IS Abuse. Oh, yes, I mean CLINICALLY. PSYCHOTIC. TYRANNY. EMPIRE. Democratic Rule of Law's the alternative." SL, Masters in Counseling Psychology; Masters in Business

"Authoritarianism IS Insane; IS Abuse. 
Democratic Rule of Law's the alternative." 
SL, Masters in Counseling Psychology; Masters in Business