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Showing posts with label MLK Jr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MLK Jr. Show all posts


Update. If I said nothing else to you.... The complete, law of Love, law of violence. L Tolstoy.

I do know that about Tolstoy. No life and writings of Tolstoy, then, no Gandhi (Tolstoy's, the kingdom of God is within you) and quite possibly no Martin Luther King jr. ( the law of love and the law of violence L Tolstoy) 

Important correction, update. Where's the document now in front of me visually everything from chapter 12 or 13 on word has a very high percentage of correctness. The entire book is worth reading. And also the appendix is extremely helpful.

This is just a JPEG. The video is below. 


Vindicated? Leo Tolstoy, and James, Maybe. The last two chapters of the law of love and the law of violence written two years before his death near 100.

In the last week or so of study James has agonized over the apparent blindness and error of Tolstoy. Laws? Dogma? Blindly thinking that the answer was in the change of mass society which is impossible? It seems that at the end he pretty much Saw the Light. And this light that he shared in this book is what Martin Luther King read as a Seminary Student at Crozer Seminary.



This book created the three greatest souls of the last 150 years, Tolstoy, MLK Jr, Gandhi, and fed Walter Rauschenbush, and countless others, directly and indirectly.




THIS FOLDER HAS THE NOW COMPLETE AND CLEAN WORKS.  ADDITIONAL FORMATS WILL BE ADDED.  The word  documents in particular can be cleanly READ TO YOU while you  are otherwise occupied with mindless tasks with @voice (smartphone) or similar apps.

I find error in this work, if that is the correct word.  And I think it is not error, but strategic calculation on the part of Tolstoy.  I'm quite sure, strategic decision.

What is that? It is entirely Jesus teaching's centric. But as clarified in the final 2 chapters of his The Kingdom of God is Within You, the book that created Gandhi, he was deeply aware of how many millions, now billions, knew of Jesus, and thereby the potential of shocking out of the dogma into Jesus human teachings. 

Point being, I do not believe that Tolstoy preferred the truths of Jesus vs the truths of Confucious, Buddha, Hillel, Amos, Muhammad... where they overlap with those of Jesus.  Truth is Truth, Math is Math.


Ignite Soul log March 29th. Leo s Jesus is world transforming, saving, completely.....

Free, legal, clean download of the first volume here.

Ignite Soul log March 29th. Leo s Jesus is world transforming, saving, completely revolutionary. Was this the real man?

Toast toy is the preeminent transformation all man of the last two hundred years, father of Gandhi, uncle of Martin Luther King jr. The Jesus he found in the Greek Gospels was the ultimate transformational soul of all time.

Did Tulsa Troy find this Jesus? His detailed translation notes, details, detailed, details, would enable a scholar Lee answer to this. Maybe this will demand two or three or four or five readings from me to attempt to do that Skyler Lee work because none of the current Jesus scholars seem to give it any mention.

With the primary demand on James to be as transformational a soul as possible, metabolising responsible Lee as possible these two most transformation all souls of all time would seem to be what is called for. So much to do, so little time.

The last several months James has spent insane amount of time studying the 200 verses that current scholars say the man Jesus actually spoke. The Leo s translation confirms what James sees in those 200 vs., but richer by an order of magnitude. Stick figures versus a richly detailed painting.

Basic question seems to be, which is more trustworthy, a revolutionary Jesus or the war creating status quo offering Jesus of the church? What is divine, godly, important, about the latter?


Tolstoy saved his life from suicide  by translating  the Greek  Gospels , bypassing the abortion called the church, and spent the last 40 Years of his life writing what he found. Gandhi's life was born in Reading Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You. King was born by inspiration from Gandhi. And in Reading, Tolstoy, The Law of Love and The Law of Hate, in seminary. Just saying.


Very important ramblings notes to self


Living as if there is a Creator seems to be inseparable from those few great healthy lives throughout history. scholarship I regard indicates that even Jesus was not sure there was a creator to hear what he had to say but he found it indispensible to elevating the goodness within himself to imagine and live as though there is. to my shock I have found the same these last 18 years.

Yesterday I wrote about the saying - you, are a soul, that has a body, and said that from this seed everything we need to know can grow if we ponder it. I think even more surely the path exists for those who value or learn to value goodness above existence itself. As I examine the few lives throughout history that came close to being Paragons of moral emotional mental health this is true of everyone whether or not they articulated it in this way. it is clear from their life path that this is how they were, they valued goodness above all else. It is as though they were as greedy for, lust full for, craving of, more goodness in the world as Donald Trump is greedy for more attention and power and money or as most of us are greedy for more Comfort and intoxication and pleasure and safety and years. This is how I experience myself these last 18 years. At the time of the inexpressibly great Abraham Maslow (NOT his flawed theory hierarchy of needs), in psychology in the 1960s the research indicated that some chickens were better at selecting grain to eat and hence  became more healthy then other chickens and hence they were healthier. Maslow said that he could see this among people that only one in 100,000 I think, he said were good at selecting hey way of being conducive to mental health. I think he would agree that what I've just articulated is an advanced expression of this.

Gandhi and James were incorrect, wrong, not the love of a mother FOR her child is the strongest force in the universe but the love of a mother OF her child. The difference being the former has to do with the pulse of the child, the continuation of that pulse. the point is not that that is bad or good but, it is a thing. the love of a mother OF her child's which is extremely rare in this sick culture, but it happens, the love of a mother OF her child is the love of the being of the child the SPIRIT, soul, essence, piece of Creator of the child. It is the love of the soul the spirit which is in essence divine that is the ultimate constructive force in the universe. yes it remains to be seen that it is the ultimate force as the love of the mother for her child, (or her tribe or her church or her nation…. whwhich  far reign supreme and is causing the destruction of everything.


Very important ramblings notes to self

Regularly in my adulthood I go from butterfly to caterpillar to butterfly again. The caterpillar literally offers up all of its biological material for a soup, totally disintegrates to become that soup, that then somehow gets organized into the butterfly. I guess the caterpillar is sort of makes of itself a total soup of stem cells and becomes a new thing. I'm going through that faze now as I have many times before.

My current hunch is that for me and those wishing to do good in the world that what we need is to understand this as a mental health mission, that the world is in near total metal disease. I had hoped to find that the words of Jesus and the early Christian  ethassists and more recently Leo tolstoy provided the answer. I'm not now very confident of that, I think they pointed us in the correct direction but my current hope is that Abraham maslow in his work in the 60's of the studying the most healthy individuals throughout history catalog for us as best as we needed, is best as we can find, the mental health that we need to build into ourselves and help others achieve. spiritual health might better be a way of understanding  this than mental health but I'm guessing that mental health is necessary. Yesthat sets ones efforts up for an avalanche of attack from a very sick industry of psychologists but I think that maybe a risk I'll have to take. The characteristics he found universal among the healthy population were such things as truth goodness beauty wholeness aliveness dichotomy transcendance, playfulness….. ( is famous hierarchy of needs he got wrong but it can be Reformed into an extremely useful tool)

There are substantial benefits to a metal health model including that it is much less likely to become a sect, an organization, a dogma, a club a religion. it's possible but less likely. it is also less likely to become yet one more mechanism of one group to dominate over another although it is still possible. It is more likely to be and remain a soughtafter way of being, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

It continues to be my suspicion as mentioned a few days ago that the Northstar is goodness, one of the several dozen characteristics of healthy people that maslow categorized by the way. although loving tattooed on my face was in the right direction I think it is not sufficient. I think that goodness maybe correct and sufficient and in this the lights of Jesus King Gandhi were also incorrect. God needs to be understood as good and good needs to be understood as God. Gandhi said truth is God no goodness. Teresa Calcutta said it was love life and truth as I recall. no, goodness.

I'm fairly certain that the central hallmark of metal health or the lack thereof is the degree to what which one values goodness even more than the own life or even of the life, pulse, of those they hold most dear life. Crazy unless in fact prevailing goodness is the basis of sustainable pulse which the 2018 world is showing us is the case. This isechoed in the grate Dave Dellinger who said of World War 2, few people chose War, they chose selfishness and the consequence was war.

Jesus seem to have nailed this and surprisingly his followers King and Gandhi got it wrong. it so understandable but goodness not justice is the Northstar and our devotion must be too the metal health of our fellow creatures and not ultimately to their physical well being as difficult is this may be.

Goodness is God. God is goodness. Goodness is God and God must be loved and worshipped above all else. I think this may be it. I think this may be the piece that is been missing.

And it works because without goodness as we are seeing in this 2018 dying world without goodness without the presence and omnipresence of God, of goodness, all life ends.

And a corrilary to this, one must understand that our work, the entire purpose of our life, is to be the seed of metal health, ragingly good, and to act in such a way as to spread that seed and to nurture the few seeds that are already growing or grow as a consequence, understanding that this is a desert wasteland, and that all of the corrilary good we wish to see in the world, the increase of joy, the decrease of suffering, can only happen when there are more people of goodness.


I am an extremist, and I call for extremism. Everyone that isn't comfortable with that, for God sake, unfriend or unfollow me now. Why should we antagonize each other? Your brother, forever, no matter what. was dr. King wrong? He said we are all extremists, the......

I am an extremist, and I call for extremism. Everyone that isn't comfortable with that, for God sake, unfriend or unfollow me now. Why should we antagonize each other? Your brother, forever, no matter what. was dr. King wrong? He said we are all extremists, the only question is, are we extremists For Love or extremists for hate? And yet the left with almost no exceptions is pathologically terrified of extremism. What f****** Madness. Extreme danger is going to be met by what?


If you are not yet risking your life, limb, and treasure, for the future of creation, you are not yet living. Paraphrase of Martin Luther King jr., with Liberties taken.

If you are not yet risking your life, limb, and treasure, for the future of creation, you are not yet living. Paraphrase of Martin Luther King jr., with Liberties taken.


***** The central questions of life are, right now, where does Creation need me to be, what right now does Creation need me to attempt? Only those who every breath live those questions, make of their life an answer to those questions, have the ultimate human experience of feeling Alive.

The central questions of life are,  right now,  where does Creation need me to be,  what right now does Creation need me to attempt? Only those who every breath live those questions,  make of their life an answer to those questions,  have the ultimate human experience of feeling Alive.



***** EFLIUS. Who besides King , Gandhi , Schweitzer, Bonhoeffer, and Tolstoy have understood the man Jesus? And taken him at his word? I don't see any..........

***** Who besides King , Gandhi , Schweitzer, Bonhoeffer, and Tolstoy have understood the man Jesus? And taken him at his word? I don't see any. Teresa of Calcutta? Dogma. If you get Jesus you don't need Dogma. If you get Jesus, you detest Dogma. Jimmy Carter? Too much reason, too much intellect, too much piety, too much sanctimonious,  and Old Testament, Dogma. If you get Jesus you don't need these things,  You Are revolted by them. Francis of Assisi? Too much fantasy, too much psychosis. If you get Jesus you live reality, you live creation, you live creator. You don't need psychosis. Tenzin gyatso, the Dalai Lama? Lip service lip service lip service lip service lip service lip service, full of himself. These and others have been good if not great Souls. But close only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades. My last ten or fifteen years I have been in and out of a central fascination with the life and example of the man Jesus, the historical Jesus, my God, not the Theological Jesus, the religious Jesus, the Christian Jesus,  all of which I hate because it is instead of Jesus. The man Jesus. The historical Jesus. By her life Diane Wilson gets Jesus. By his life, some of it, William Thomas of the White House peace vigil got Jesus. Certainly there are others that neither I nor you know of. By every indication the apostles did not get Jesus. They immediately had to make stuff up. Christianity? Christianity hates Jesus, it's all made up stuff so that it can avoid who and what he was. It's a brand and branded products instead of Jesus. I think it's almost impossible in this small world of massive information for someone to be a catalyst that could turn Humanity away from now near certain demise that does not live reaction to the man Jesus, his life and example, that is profound Wonder, awe, amazement, reverence, for his life and example. I can think of one exception to this, a person who was horribly abused by those who professed knowledge and love of Jesus but in truth were the opposite. I put no one down with all this. I Elevate no one, including Jesus, with this. What's at stake here is coming up with a serum, a ransome, a Redemption, a cure, that is so potent and pure that it acts as a catalyst and dramatically turns enough of us, masses of us, from malignant deadly cancerous instruments of selfishness into the opposite, in time. Masses of Human Rights catalysts , in truth, in quantity, in time.