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Showing posts with label Heaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heaven. Show all posts


James' translation of Jesus' words.

Stop! F****** stop! The notion of Utopia is a poison to exactly that. What? External. Always about external. Never about the internal. What? The only Utopia could......

Stop! F****** stop! The notion of Utopia is a poison to exactly that. What? External. Always about external. Never about the internal. What? The only Utopia could see a place of near total extreme Humanity, goodness, within each citizen. Only when the individual bricks have such Integrity can the overall structure in body Integrity. Who writes this? Who reads this? Who wants this? No one. Because wherever we are given fish deadly distracting impossible delaying ideas. Be the change the world needs to see. There is no other answer. No other answer has ever been or ever will be possible.


Profoundly important. The Holy Grail, has James finally rediscovered it?

James has been very much alive these last twenty years, escaping the insane asylum that is our cultural norms, our prescribed cultural way of being walking death. But these years do not match the freshman year in college for James.

It is still indescribable. There were material aspects. It was materially a conducive environment, an upscale liberal College in a program where James had near complete Freedom of Choice over courses.

But that wasn't it. What James had for that year was a feeling of complete liberation of his psychological being.

It was a Holy Grail lost that following summer and never reclaimed, maybe until yesterday?

Time will tell. But this is the first time that James has had an inkling of what happened, what was going on, and how to recover it.

And as of this morning this is the theory that James will pursue. James freshman year in college from the start he became a soul in charge of his head and Flesh. It just happens.  Although it happened because he had been a captive of his flesh and secondarily his head all the years up until then, and it's some deep level James knew it wasn't working. So he tried something different, something immensely effective, but he didn't know what it was.

James was very much aware of his flesh, and of his head, but they were never in charge. They were tools for him, respected and treasured vehicles  for his soul. What he now understands to be his soul, his limbic system, was every breath in charge. This was unconscious competence, now finally after all these decades becoming conscious?

It was a constant sense of being part of the infinite. It was unending Joy.

James is now plagued by chronic back pain except as the day wears on and James is up right and under those circumstances for the most part the pain subsides.

Yesterday wrote James of becoming aware that this pain was empowering his flesh to be in charge. Very understandable. But what a waste of existence? How inferior to the experience of the Soul being in charge? For James, yes. He encountered this before, five years ago, during painful and debilitating many months of cancer treatment. And only toward the end of those many months did James begin to realize that his life was being directed by the pain and that it was no life at all. And he began to move his Consciousness out to those he was trying to serve and it helped a lot.

But it was nowhere near the clarity that James seems to have achieved this morning. The soul being in charge. Is that a device for denying the pain? It is a means of denying the pain to be in control. And more importantly, choosing to be a soul in a meat suit (thanks Mel) with that pain.

James realizes this is inconclusive, but it is the first time in almost 60 years has had any idea at all what he had that he lost that freshman year.

But he has been acutely aware all that time that he had the Supreme, and it was lost, and that he had no idea how to reclaim it.

Now he has some idea.

He will now gain some experience and knowledge as to if he is correct.

And although he knew when he lost it, now for the first time he has some inkling of why. His doting, beloved father, decided that James would like to learn flying airplanes. James did not think it a bad idea and went along with the idea of his father who he revered above everyone, and still.

The flight instructor, and one is alone with the instructor during all the training, was criminally abusive psychologically. Probably a military background. The name and the appearance of this creature totally Escapes Me. But the psychological pain, the brilliant attack on the soul was relentless and excruciating. And as this back pain was moving James out of the soul and into the flesh, this monster achieve that with James, with the excruciating unrelenting barrage of psychological pain. And without the conscious competence that maybe he finally has, he was defenseless.

And without the conscious competence he had not a clue of exactly what he had lost, or how to go about regaining it. It was agony for many many years.


Ignite soul log April 25th. Beloved Freddy Perlman, against Leviathan falling into the ultimate trap?

Tremendous respect from James to Freddy. Tremendous courageous brilliant relentless truth seeker he seems to be. A giant. Tremendously stimulating book in an important way.

But the trap of almost all of the greats seems to have been fallen into by Freddy.

What trap? That paradise is external. Such a shame, for James. If he fell into that trap. That he fell into that trap. Such a great intellect. James needed him to go beyond so James could learn more.

Freedom is not freedom from just Leviathan, but freedom from that illusion that the ultimate experience is any sort of external environment. It is not. It cannot be. We are creatures trapped within our nervous system. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Point being when we decide that external circumstances are necessary to optimeyes  our internal experience, we have to that degree sacrificed our freedom and our joy.

My point is not to find fault with Freddy. My point is to reflect on and learn from  what I'm finding there.

Although it is too late for the mastery of cultural abomination drenched history to make the future different, to some degree it can inform my work as a physician of the soul. An igniter of soul. And probably Freddy's work will be sucked dry by James further for this potential advantage.

Although somewhat crippled in use from this by the absence of notes at the end of the book, citing his sources in detail, James continues to find that the courageous truth seeking speaks loudly from the pages and therefore James will go deeper regardless. Grateful. Much appreciation. And even despite this tremendous deficiency mentioned at the top of this post. Still much of tremendous educational useful value in this book. What a wonderful contribution.

However, neither, this is critically important, neither can the optimal internal state of the nervous system be divorced from what it perceives in the external reality! This is the most important point in the world. To paraphrase, live as tho the entire world depends upon what you do, that your entire joy depends upon what you accomplish, and realize that you will probably make no difference at all, except in the attempt you will be infinitely joyful!


Ransoming Souls log March 4th. The centuries of saving paradise everyone but Jesus has a say.

Benedict, Anselm avalor, Eloise the list of authors decade by decade century by century, untold. Almost never the slightest evidence that anyone thinks to look at the words teachings and example of Jesus. It doesn't happen. It doesn't occur to them.

This is certainly the right of each individual. But that it is never seemingly explicit. That it is never seemingly recognized or deliberate. And they even Brock and Parker reporting on it seem not to understand the implications is mind exploding. The fish are the last to discover water.

Rock and Parker, excellent cerebral scholars, excellent, appear to like the idea that right headed Christianity has been searching to establish material paradise on earth and that has a spiritual component, but in that order of priority. Occasionally their words suggest that logically spirit, psychology, the lymbic system, soul in charge itself is paradise but never do these words seem to be a stopping point for them, rather, a casual mention from which they immediately move on to their pree conceived notion, an notion desired by their overly developed head and flash, it's the answer they want. How much more useful and satisfying if they recognized the choice and made it deliberately and explained to us their choice. If ever I could access them I would hope to respectfully try and bring this to their attention because based on their scholarship their processing of this choice could be very very valuable to me. And for some probably to others. Wishful thinking.

The mission to which I am called is a refined  version of my entire adulthood call. This refined in call is for joy, serve those poor souls in solidarity. To live that for the joy of it, to communicate it for the potential joy of others. To make it more able to be grasped and held onto in the world and a historical culture that says no, that's not the way. That's not paradise. Ignore Jesus. Ignore Tolstoy.. Buddha didn't mean it, listen to his 20th century, 21st century teachers. And on and on and on. As reported last week a surprise evolution of this is to understand in this imagination I try and use that prospective client, what they demand of James, what they need of James, what they need of us all, more than anything, is become transformational Souls yourself. Powerful Portals to the soul in charge if you will. The equivalent of the sought after wormhole. As reported several days ago initially to me what this seems to mean is be the  Limbic system, the soul in charge in your life. It will be amazing to me if this does not intensify in clarity and implication overtime tho it may change, extremely unlikely that it will. This increases my being a tune to those few souls that are or could move toward being transformational with an interest for helping and certainly protecting those. One of the few that I sense maybe approaching physical unsustainability, death. This is moving me for the joy of it, for the call of it, to see if maybe protection for this soul can be arranged. It is far from clear that that's possible. Today's response to this by me was to develop some thinking on this and to share it with a few promising souls I know. And the response of one absolutely astonished me. Immediate generosity. Immediate commitment. Instinctual. Reflexive. Devine. It is no disrespect to this individual being referred to, that it is off, amaze meant, shock, that wells up in me. World class, Olympic  caliber performances do that to us, don't they? The person of concern maybe in the final stages of saving themselves. It may be that it is far too late to save them. We have been neglected far too long. It is completely unclear to me how this will work out. But at least two of us, two souls, are now in solidarity to meaningful attempt to provide aid if that proves to beof promise. This is paradise. Agony yes, but the ecstasy also. Such a privilege for me to know such a fellow soul. And such a privilege for us to maybe have the opportunity to help another. Such a gift. This is the gospel. Jesus had none other.


Profoundly Rich few sentences. Must read. The Paradise in this life of loving community, worth even dying for.

Early Christians did not regard martyrs as victims, but as people who
manifested the power of God. When faced with Rome's coercive threats, the martyrs held fast to their freedom and their relationships within their Christian community. They would not surrender these to an oppressive power. Rome chose to kill them, but they chose to preserve life in paradise. They had already experienced paradise in their earthly life,
and they knew death would not take that from them. Their
witness encouraged others to trust that violence in the worst forms imaginable could not separate them from their beloved community or cut them off from their source of life
and power. A martyr's death was a
paradox; in refusing to submit to unjust power, the martyr witnessed to the true power that generated paradise on earth.


To give you heaven, the every breath Joy Of My Religion, Universal Brotherhood, I gave my life. Telling you otherwise, it was hell to pay. Instead you invent Christianity. And now it is hell to pay, and you stick your children with the bill. Jesus

To give you heaven, the every breath Joy Of My Religion, Universal Brotherhood, I gave my life. Telling you otherwise, it was hell to pay. Instead you invent Christianity. And now it is hell to pay, and you stick your children with the bill. Jesus


Jesus religion has never been tried. Christianity was a counterfeit, well intended or not, from the beginning to this day.

Jesus: "The kingdom of God is within you." Parker & Brock: 'Nah, it was and is an external garden.' All two thousand years of Christianity has tried everything except for Jesus religion, "Do unto others all things whatsoever that you would have them do unto you. This is the law and the prophets."

According to Parker and Brock, first 1000 years, it's an external Garden. Next two thousand years, it is a condo in the sky after this life. And now Parker and Brock, no, it's a garden.

Never in 2,000 years has Jesus religion of joy in this life, for Joy, serve those poor souls in solidarity, never has it been seriously tried, or entertained. Immediately the counterfeits we're put in place.


Paradise, heaven, in this life on Earth, Jesus and all the prophets preached. Perverted Christianity destroyed all that truth.

"Other books such as Leviticus, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, I
Enoch, andJubilees, maintained the mysterious location
of paradise, suggesting that it suffused the entire land of Israel or even the whole Creation.34 One ofthe mysteries ofDilmun and Eden was their precise location.
Whether in the direction of the rising sun or between four great rivers, paradise confused any attempts to pin it
on a map. It eluded the control, captivity, or ownership ofany one nation, people, religion, or time. In direct contrast to the wars, economic exploitation, fratricidal divisions, and environmental devastations of empires, it offered experiences and visions ofjustice, of the goodness of ordinary life,
could be experienced as real and of a
vibrant peace. Paradise was described in terms recognizable as earthly life at its best. In these descriptions, it
not as a permanent state ofbeing but as aspects oflife itself. It flourished where people took responsibility for the well-being ofall
and respected
and protected the great cycles of life that sustain human life.


Humanity, like God, was responsible for making life flourish, so thatjoy and beauty might bless the world. Immediately....

Humanity, like God, was responsible for making life flourish, so thatjoy and beauty might bless the world. Immediately upon finishing the whole Creation, God rested and hallowed Sabbath rest as holy. As an image of divine life, this conclusion, on the seventh day, suggests that taking delight in Creation and stopping work regularly to restore the energies of life are also human values.

In Genesis, humanity was instructed to be vegetarian, as were the animals, rather than rapacious or predatory. God said, "See I have....

In Genesis, humanity was instructed to be vegetarian, as were the animals, rather than rapacious or predatory.
God said, "See I have given you every plant yielding seed that is
upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air,
and to everything that creeps on the earth,
everything that has the breath oflife, I have given every green plant for food." And it
was so. (Gen. 1:29-30)


Ransoming Souls log. February 10th, steps forward, two steps back come up Slight progress.

 winds were too dangerous to stay up on the mountain tonight where otherwise I wanted to be and have been. So Refuge is here at the hostel, dear funds being expended but that's what they're there for I guess. The mission ends pretty quickly when this pulse does, or when carelessness lets the vehicle get destroyed by high winds.
Forward progress made beginning annotation of saving Paradise, academics Brock and Parker, must read. My soul was correct, all my life, no credit to me, the first thousand years of Christianity was about establishing creators kingdom here on Earth, materially, and or inhabiting it spiritually, by being the spirit of creator. this abortion called Christianity is made out of whole cloth by the resurrected scribes and Pharisees, the forces of Satan, witting or unwitting.
With the disruption of change of venue some disciplined avoidance of indulging James impulses were lost but not entirely.

Time was spent attempting to track down the metal fabricator who has since moved that could create a better torque arm was spent, but not successful.
A dear soul from years ago reached out of the blue to discuss a deeply troubling personal matter. Ongoing study the creator has had me doing was instrumental to whatever help I gave this individual. That was a privilege and a blessing.
Creator willing tomorrow will include the 3 hour exercise climb, that the vehicle could easily do in 40 minutes without my interference, and probably most of that time and the rest of the day will be on the study and annotation of saving Paradise. Available free download at
However first minimum Hardware will be secured and later in the day installed I expect, to solidify the torque arm Arrangements on the all-important new fortified rear axle brackets.

100% about heaven, Paradise, kingdom of God on Earth, Christianity the first Thousand Years. These are the facts. Saving Paradise, Brock, Parker. Must read.

100% about heaven, Paradise, kingdom of God on Earth, Christianity the first Thousand Years. These are the facts. Saving Paradise, Brock, Parker. Must read.


Explosion this morning, Phyllis my friend caused it.

In response to this video, , Phyllis my sole friend from a high school class of 350, said, James, you chose heaven.

That brilliant Insight from Phyllis will help me for the rest of my days.

she put words to what I have known and pursued from my earliest, criminally over privileged, substantially autistic I think, youth. For reasons I neither understand nor can justify, as a horribly ignorant young child, from my earliest memories, I believed that heaven was available on Earth, in this life, and that we were to be in it. And for Olympic caliber greed that I have I have never lost that belief, nor stop striving for it.

having said that, I suppose I just gained insight into why this is true about me. Probably due to what I'll guess was substantial autism, and the divinely good biological father I had, and the physical Garden of eden he provided for us, edge of a multi Thousand Acre Nature Preserve, which I was allowed to disappear into day after day, it gave me such an obvious taste... I was steeped in the manifestations of Heaven. The evidence. But why did no one else get that taste? Lack of Autism?

So although sister Phyllis articulated it this morning, gave me the right words to it, the substance of that Vision has drawn me on maniacally all of my years and got me there beginning about 18 years ago when I finally found the courage of my convictions, helped by the Sage's throughout history I had surrounded myself with,, to say, yes, our culture, profoundly intoxicating, profoundly pleasurable, is one trillion percent wrong, and Heaven, a life of Joy, is in exactly the opposite direction of what it tells us.
And I began crawling in that new Direction. And almost immediately there by got there.

But James, what are you talkin about? You have nothing. Some plastic and a few electrical parts.

You slept in 14 degree weather last night, alone, substantially vulnerable to the elements, creatures, and evil-doers that could do it without a chance of being caught? Regularly you speak of the depression you go into.

Only in the last several days have the words of Jesus crystallized into something I really understood. To paraphrase him, the kingdom of God, heaven? It is not like this, oh, lo here, Lo there, even at the Magnificent base of Mount Whitney. No, because the kingdom of God is within you, he said.

The kingdom of God is one of the Myriad of existent States within us that we can inhabit, and it is very much influenced by the environment, as the seed is profoundly influenced by its environment. But it is not the environment. The environment as the nutrients around the seed, can help actualize that. The physical environment I alluded to above that I was brought up in, and the environment that I have increasingly created for myself, no credit to me, all of the faces that you can see if this site,, has been worked into My Soul by me, no credit to me, and more so every day.
Can I justify this all consuming greed of all of my days? Yes. Because the nature of this greed is not for this pitiful husk of a creature, James, but for what James experiences himself as as a soul, all of creation. James lives for all of creation to be in this heaven.

And oh by the way, there's nothing mystical about this heaven. It is a creation given, DNA given, psychological potentiality. And all of the faces, and all of the souls, at this site, have entered in, and or documented the place for us making it that much more possible to find and inhabit, and or died to help us enter in.

And every breath and hour that James is given he will spend trying to increase the odds that he can help maybe one person enter in.

Phyllis, you totally destroyed my carefully planned morning, bless your heart. Hugs