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Showing posts with label Democracy Has Perished. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democracy Has Perished. Show all posts


SPDF Day 43: The Numbers Are Staggering -- The US Is a 'World Leader' in Child Poverty

SPDF Day 43: I am on day 43 of this fast. I had hoped that it would work out to take it to completion....

I am on day 43 of this fast. I had hoped that it would work out to take it to completion. It has become clear to me that that may not be the case. It is probably 30% yes, 70% no, at this point. I've written several times on my blog the reason behind these probabilities. I expect to go another 2 or 3 weeks, and decide then, tho, lol, the choice could be taken out of my hands by body failure, but that is an inconsequential price to pay given all that is at stake in the world. Without another 2-3 weeks of this fast I'll not have made my full statement. Yes, no one is listening, even the few that used to, a little, but that is not my business. Mine is to speak the Truth, the emergency, the absolute need to put and keep our lives TOTALLY in the way of the unfolding Armageddon (Palestine, Eocide, American Fascism) as fully and clearly and loudly and unequivocally as I see it.  And this I shall do.

SPDF Day 43: Noam Chomsky: America hates its poor Linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky on our country's brutal class war -- and why it's ultimately so one-sided


The Israel Lobby: Is It Good for the U.S.? Is It Good for Israel

SPDF Day 41: There are hundreds of people in the Administration whose salaries are paid by the U.S. taxpayer and who believe their sole mission is to defend Israel, even by destroying freedom of expression, Congressman Findley added.

5. Silicon Valley’s culture is hurting our economy. Politicians like to celebrate the tech industry as a boon to the economy, but for most Americans the opposite is true. As economist Joseph Stiglitz and others have documented, monopoly practices exert a significant drag on the economy. The economy becomes increasingly capital-driven, rather than labor-driven. Monopolies suppress wages, overcharge consumers, mistreat suppliers, and drive the economy increasingly off-course.


***** SPDF Day 35: "The reason behind US support for Israel becomes clear...." MUST READ.

The reason behind US support for Israel becomes clear if you consider what would likely happen if Palestinians became autonomous or if they became the majority in a democratic, multi-ethnic state. Either development would upend American-enforced “stability.”

Palestinians in Jordan and elsewhere would attempt to exercise their right of return. Repressed peoples across the Middle East would rise up to demand the kind of freedom from dictators that the Palestinians secured from Israel. Palestinian liberation would trigger a chain of events that could entirely free the region from the American grip as people demand that they — not monarchs and not Western corporations — benefit from their oil.

That’s why the US government’s proclaimed support for Palestinian liberation is as unbelievable as Netanyahu’s. Anything more than a severely attenuated Palestinian state would jeopardize America’s seventy-year old — never-altered — priority. And that prospect, not The Lobby, is the primary reason that the United States stands virtually alone against the rest of the world in unconditionally supporting Israel’s violence against Palestinians.

SPDF Day 35: Paul Krugman: Uh-oh, we’re just this screwed