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I was shocked at how few things and people I'm thankful for.

As a matter of personal responsibility I found it necessary this time of year to inquire of myself what and who I'm thankful for. In a way it may be the first time I've done this. Or maybe the first time I've done this with what I think I've learned in life.
It was shocking and a bit alarming the few
things and people I'm grateful for.
This is not at all what I expected.
My Approach, my measure, was, James, what if you lost from your present and past life anything and anyone that you did not recognize being grateful for at least in your own mind, heart, soul?
There are a handful of people. And it surprised me who did not make the list and who did. Some of them I personally have experienced and others only from afar. Not surprisingly, those of clearly alive soul in charge made the list. And of course virtually all non-human life-forms. They do not have the ability to avoid being other than soul in charge. Of course everything that I experience as being radically good, irrespective of whether it affects me in any way personally.
This is quite different than who I care about. That would be all life on Earth. There is a verse that I am finding extremely helpful to have the type of being I want to have. Only recently did it come to mean anything to me. It is about how Creator makes the rain to fall on the good and the evil. Siri is a verse that I am finding extremely helpful to have the type of being I want to have. Only recently did it come to mean anything to me. It is about how creator makes the rain to fall on the good and the evil. Which speaks to me about how creator, creation, always wishes the best for everyone and everything. Always. This is how my soul is. This is how they human soul is, the limbic system, the mamalian brain. The soul being the piece of Creator, creation, within us. At is different than saying weather it can do physical harm in the protection of a greater good. It can.

And this verse helps in the same way the most important verse to me does, Shiki first the kingdom of God, discovered only within recent weeks by me, and it continues to be a game-changer to bring in charge my soul when otherwise my head or Flash would be invoked to be in charge by whatever challenging circumstance of small or large magnitude I might be facing. Immensely helpful in being the type of being I wish to be for the joy of it each breath.

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