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Protect reignite soul log July 23rd period Mammoth mountain, Disney world for the body. That there would be one for the sole? Absurd.

 By a stroke of luck and last minute advice James traveled up to the Mammoth mountain ski area And was then advised that 2 miles
further and another 6 or 700' Was the vista, for free that he figured would require a $30 gondola ride. Dozens of photos did James .... Photo albums at the top of this blog. 

What James saw, aside from the natural magnificence, was a Entertainment mecca he had never conceived of anywhere. Really fabulous for that sort of thing. Miles and miles of downhill bicycle trails. Probably what most caught his attention was The children's area at the ski lodge, the area where ski lifts depart in the Winter time for obvious reasons and in the summer time to take cyclists and their bicycles to the top of the Hill. The pinnacle was the Children's area. An absolutely fabulous 20 or 30' high Rock climbing area for the children. All the appropriate safety devices of course through And not just that through A sophisticated rope bridge area , again replete with all sorts of safety devices . And a bungee area . Also for children. Little children. .... The children were in harnesses and A bungee cord on either side would let them safely bounce 15' in the air. .... 

Was James impressed? Had these been inner city children, children of poverty and of color, O he would have been. How fabulous for the Selfesteem of such children. And there may  have been some like that But pretty much an area for the masters of the universe. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 

But with the sophistication? The Brilliant execution? The Obvious health producing ness for the body ? O yes. .... 

Where are such things For the sole? The soul of children, the soul of adults? Absurd, correct? Ridiculous, correct? Ridiculous, yes to utter in this societee. Laughable, to utter in this societee. Crazy, to mention in this societee. 

And that, an indictment of the idea?, a total indictment of the societie. 

 Pleasure seeking, suicide delivering Drones of head and Flash, slaves to head and flesh is what we produce. The alternative, a similarly intelligently constructed Development park for the soul certainly could be created. And it would strengthen, reignite, protect, souls and yield infinite joy for the beneficiaries, and the possibility of joy for those that experience such protected and reignited souls.

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