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detail. I've just shared this with one of the greatest living souls I know alive today. This friends FB profile has me very worried....

I've just shared this with one of the greatest living souls I know alive today.  This friends FB profile has me very worried.  The advice I've shared with this friend is instrumental in my being able to go forward day after day, I hope it can help this friend if needed, and I hope you may know others who it may help... so I share it with you:  "Dear friend, do you remember we corresponded a month ago or so?  Please don't mind my comment here - just laugh me off if you need to... that'd be ok.  But I'm concerned with your fb profile photo. I'm not objecting to it. I'm not offended by it. I'm worried by it.  I'm worried that I see deep, prolonged, depression there, and that worries me because depression can be deadly, as you know, and I, we, need you in the fight for the long haul.  I"m not meddling, feel free to tune me out, and know that I don't expect, want, or need a reply.  A Palestinian fb 'friend' said to me not long ago that he could tell by the pain for Palestine that I live, he said, 'I don't know anyone that is more Palestinian than you are."  I LIVE agony for Palestine, every breath.  They are my Family. Brings me to tears.  But, thank Creator (whatever She is), that i've learned that Loving is the answer, my answer, The answer, Our answer to bearing such horrible pain, for so long, and channeling it, not to our own destruction, but toward the destruction of the Injustices that cause the pain.  Am I lecturing you? No.  :-(  Am I judging that you don't Love?  I'm judging that you Love profoundly.  But Loving is a very dangerous thing to do... and it can be done in such a way that it leads to self-destruction.  I judge that Robin Williams was among the most heroic practitioners of Loving that has ever been on earth... but he was sufficiently flawed in his near Infinite Loving that it killed him.  I think the problem for the likes of Robin, me, you, dw... is that the loving, NATURALLY, leads to Depression... unavoidably.  But unless we are immensely vigilant, that depression can back up with any level of hopelessness that we allow.... as to how to stop the external horror.  And there are no sufficient answers as to how to stop the horrors.  BUT THE DIRECTION CAN BE KNOWN... AND THE DIRECTION, IF WE ARE SELF-AWARE... CAN BE KNOWN, AND CAN BE ENOUGH... CAN BE ENOUGH... AND SAVE US FROM SELF-DESTRUCTION OF BEARING THE PAIN...  AND THE DIRECTION IS "LOVING" (Serving in Solidarity, from the Soul, the global neediest).  Please, if it can serve, if it can help, please bear this in mind, or laugh at my well intended stupidity.  JUST, BE WELL.  WE NEED YOU.  Your brother forever, no matter what.  (Among the best I've seen the above captured is in a quote from Teresa of Calcutta, "I've learned the paradox that if I love until it hurts, there is no more hurt, there is only more love.")  (((HUGS)))

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