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Loving here. Confession - I was not born on Earth.

I find this post almost as weird as you may.  But I experience it as a surprising new Truth for me, so I share.

No, nothing mystical involved here, and nothing to do with inter-stellar travel.

It came to me as I've reflected the last few days on an aspect of my lifelong, ever more acute social isolation. 

There is much personal history of reflection I could resurrect and point to in my recent years of writing and vlogging that I could point to, but I won't.  Anyone that has lestened to me will recall.  Anyone interested, in several hours of reading, viewing what I've provided, will see what I mean, the precursers to this clearer insight I'm now experiencing and sharing.

I've always felt 'alien,' but I'm just now seeing how profound that is for me, and how deeply rooted.  I am not speaking as to whether others have much the same feeling.  That could be interesting, but it is not something on which I have thoughts at the moment.

Please hear this carefully - I've met few, if any, that I didn't think belonged on my 'planet,' which is not planet modern-earth.  In fact, I've spent most of my life on the belief that we were all born on the same planet, and that everyone else left, and I've been trying to provoke a return.

It is still my belief that we all were created for, born for, the planet I am on. 

But certainly my conviction that we were all born there, on the planet I was born on, has been replaced by the sense that I can think of no one else that was born there. 

It is my thought that the planet I was born on, and re-inhabited in this recent decade, is preferable, the only Home of Joy.  But this is not an issue of 'superiority,' 'good,' 'bad...' for me.  It is an issue of sadness, perception of tragic lost  opportunity, and consequent doom, unless there is a mass-migration.

The root of all this comes with the reflection in the last few days that my dad is the only person I can think of that I see was too, born on my planet.  Yes, of course my vision is imperfect, tho I think it is very good. 

He is the only other person I can think of that I've known, where their entire world consisted of working for the well-being of others, clinically, objectively.  Nothing else, nothing 'equal to,' or 'higher,' not 'religion,' 'philosophy,' 'group affiliation,' ..., nothing.

I suspect that there are others that could read the above and find it not an unfamiliar perception - Jesus first comes to my mind in this regard.

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