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det 'The barriers to Partnership of Heart, near infinite. Why we're probably doomed.' sLoving

Almost every word ever spoken by so called chr'stians about how one can only be 'Saved' in 'Jesus'' name, are utter rubbish, voodoo, pagan mysticism, etc. HOWEVER, there IS a meaning among all such words, that is utterly True.  No one OF the Heart, by whatever name, by whatever creed, or no creed at all, No one, Of the Heart can see Jesus, if they can see Him clearly, they cannot see Him as other than a desirable Partner in Work, a Brother, a child of Our Father, Embodying Our Father, Love, Heart... by whatever name, in just the way Gandhi did, the Hindu, for example.

This is much on my mind at this moment because months of moving toward the most promising Working Partnership of the Heart, that I've ever seen prospects for myself of, is on the brink of moving forward, or, may just have terminated, DESPITE the fact that the subject of the first paragraph is, I'm quite sure, OBSERVED in the relationship.  That is, termination may have already, just occurred, despite the fact that both parties are Profoundly of the Heart, as near as I can discern.

What this is Teaching me is that being of the Heart is Necessary, but not Sufficient to a Partnership, a Trusting, Powerful, Working relationship.  I don't recall ever getting close enough, this far along, toward the type of Partnership Jesus died to bring us into, to have learned this, or the following lessons.  But if ever again I have the opportunity for a Divine Partnership, I'll be the Wiser, in the following ways, at least:

1.  Being of the Heart, where Love is the Sole, Supreme Value is Utterly, Totally, Absolutely Necessary to the Divine, Hopeful, potentially Creation-saving Partnership, but NOT Sufficient, by itself!  I thought it was Sufficient!  But I was incorrect; ignorant of the Truth.

2.  The Model of what Is and Is NOT Necessary to Partnership, that I would hope to put forth next time, that I did NOT put forth this time, would be my understanding of the following -

a.  That Gandhi, a devout Hindu, Partnered fully and completely with a Christian Pastor (name I don't know).  Each would say that their Religious beliefs were extremely important to them, but their Behavior Put the Lie to that. Harsh words here, I know, but this is a really important point.  We can only, Truly see what is Important, Central to us, Really, in what we Do.  And there is Everything to suggest that in Truth, ALL that was Central to Gandhi, and all that was Central to the Being of the Pastor, was, to use Jesus way of framing the same thing - 1. Loving God / All Creation, and 2.  Loving Every Human.

b.  I may be taking unwarranted liberties with my limited knowledge with the following, but I think not.  Teresa of Calcutta, the Catholic, and Gandhi, the Hindu, were contemporaries in India.  I know of no time that they Partnered together in Work.  But based on everything I know this was 100% a matter of logistical barriers, prior Callings to different Work, and NOT a matter of any remotely important difference in their Core Beliefs, their Core Being, their True Religion which for both, was Loving.  And they did speak of each other, and what they said, to me, revealed completely the Respect of One Partner for another Partner - their 'Religious' differences were really, Really, NO DIFFERENCES AT ALL, to them!

c.  Once, and only once, Jesus gave us an example of the Perfect Partner.  Yes, these are my words, and my understanding, and of course, you are welcome to disagree, but to me it is Crystal Clear.  The Example He gave us of the Perfect Partner was the Good Samaritan - someone of a profoundly different 'Belief System,' 'Religion,' than Jesus.  Totally and completely unimportant to Jesus were these differences.  ALL that mattered to Jesus, the entirety of his Religion, was Loving.

I could go on, but if I can make the point, it is made above.

3.  Language, Thought Process, Means of Communicating, Communication Process CAN BE SO DIFFERENT, EVEN BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE OF THE HEART, THAT PARTNERSHIP IS PRACTICALLY SPEAKING, IMPOSSIBLE, OR TOO DIFFICULT, OR TO INEFFICIENT TO BE APPROPRIATE.  This is my most fundamental learning from my recent Divine experience in moving toward Working Partnership, regardless of how it turns out.  Well, if one thinks of two people Totally of the Heart -  one that speaks only French, and not a word of another language, and the other person that speaks German, and not a word of any other language, COULD they Partner?  YES!  Would it be wise?  PROBABLY NOT!  Impractical!  The barriers to communication would be sooooo huge that far more time would be lost in the attempt than could justify the benefits!

How my ignorance of these issues will play out in my current situation, what was a prospective Partnership, I don't know.  But in these lessons, and in countless other ways, I am profoundly Strengthened, Enriched, Empowered by the time we've spent thus far.

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